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Message  Admin Mer 16 Jan - 0:38

* Pre-Show match: Shannon Moore defeated Cassidy Riley (3:21)
o Moore pinned Riley after a Halo.
* Pre-Show match: The Diamonds in the Rough (David Young and Elix Skipper) (w/Simon Diamond) defeated Shark Boy and Norman Smiley (3:17)
o Young pinned Smiley after a side slam by Skipper.
* Alex Shelley defeated Jay Lethal (10:08)
o Shelley pinned Lethal after a Sliced Bread #2.
* Lance Hoyt defeated Matt Bentley (with Traci) (7:59)
o Hoyt pinned Bentley after a Boot From Hell.
* Team Canada (Bobby Roode and Eric Young) (w/Coach D'Amore and A-1) defeated The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) (12:24)
o Roode pinned Douglas after Young hit Douglas with a hockey stick.
* The James Gang (B.G. James and Kip James) and Bob Armstrong defeated The Latin American Exchange (Konnan, Homicide and Machete) (6:38)
o Kip pinned Machete after a One and Only.
* Chris Sabin defeated Petey Williams (w/A-1), Sonjay Dutt and Puma in a Fatal Four-Way match (14:57)
o Sabin pinned Puma after a Cradle Shock.
* Jeff Jarrett, Abyss, and America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (w/James Mitchell and Gail Kim) defeated Rhino, Ron Killings, and Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (20:10)
o Jarrett pinned Killings after a Stroke.
* Christopher Daniels defeated Samoa Joe (c) and A.J. Styles in an Ultimate X match to win the TNA X Division Championship (13:26)
o Daniels unlatched the X Division title to win.
* Christian Cage defeated Monty Brown to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (17:11)
o Cage pinned Brown after an Unprettier.
o After the match, America's Most Wanted, Abyss, Alex Shelley, Team Canada, Jeff Jarrett, and Brown attacked Cage. Rhino came down to help Cage, and eventually Sting made his return and attacked Jarrett and locked him in the Scorpion Death Lock. Scott Steiner then made his debut in TNA, attacking Sting and placed him in the Steiner Recliner.


Messages : 234
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2007


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